TPgTime Members

TPgTime class overview.


Name Description

AsDateTime (inherited from TCustomPgTimeStamp)

Used to get and set the timestamp value as TDateTime.

AsSQLTimeStamp (inherited from TCustomPgTimeStamp)

Used to get and set the timestamp value as TSQLTimeStamp record.

Days (inherited from TCustomPgTimeStamp)

Holds the date part of timestamp.

HasTimeZone (inherited from TCustomPgTimeStamp)

Used to specify whether the timestamp object has time zone.

IsInfinity (inherited from TCustomPgTimeStamp)

Determines if a timestamp object has +/-infinity value.

IsNegInfinity (inherited from TCustomPgTimeStamp)

Determines if a timestamp object has -infinity value.

IsPosInfinity (inherited from TCustomPgTimeStamp)

Determines if a timestamp object has +infinity value.

Ticks (inherited from TCustomPgTimeStamp)

Holds the time part of timestamp in microseconds.


Used to get or set the time zone offset.


Name Description

Assign (inherited from TCustomPgTimeStamp)

Assigns a value from another TCustomPgTimeStamp object to this object.

Compare (inherited from TCustomPgTimeStamp)

Compares two TCustomPgTimeStamp objects.

DecodeDate (inherited from TCustomPgTimeStamp)

Provides year, month, and day from the timestamp object.

DecodeDateTime (inherited from TCustomPgTimeStamp)

Provides the value of the timestamp object as year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and microsecond.

DecodeTime (inherited from TCustomPgTimeStamp)

Provides hour, minute, second, and microsecond from the timestamp object.

EncodeDate (inherited from TCustomPgTimeStamp)

Sets year, month, and day in the timestamp object.

EncodeDateTime (inherited from TCustomPgTimeStamp)

Sets the value of the timestamp object as year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and microsecond.

EncodeTime (inherited from TCustomPgTimeStamp)

Sets hour, minute, second, and microsecond in the timestamp object.
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